Monthly Archives: September 2011


“Trevor here LOVES making pizza.” This was Chris’ opening line (after “how you ladies doin’ tonight?” of course) on the night that we (Trevor&Sarah) met in Minneapolis. Little did I (Sarah) know that making pizza with Trevor would soon turn out to be among my most favorite pastimes. To be completely honest, while cooking just about anything (yes, even anchovies) with Trevor, I’m the happiest gal you’ll ever meet.Since meeting, we’ve been falling hopelessly in love with one another, and equally in love with spending time in the kitchen (is that even okay to say? Ha! O well, I’ve said it, so the damage has already been done). It may be true that we’re in the kitchen (provided our jungle/garden counts as an extension of “the kitchen”) more than we work or play or sleep. We haven’t yet collected and analyzed the data to adequately test that hypothesis; someday we will. This blog was born of our mutual love for science, an enormous backlog of food photography, and the need to keep track of our methods [as we so poorly record them in lab/recipe notebooks (though we’ve planned to do so on many an occasion)].

“SownandSoured” has a fairly simple explanation. We love photosynthetic processes (to be fair, we love most biological processes) and have begun our first garden together this year. Hence, the first word in the title “sown.” Furthermore we love fermentation (see, I told you that biological processes were dear to our hearts)….of many, and potentially all, kinds. “Fremont Jr,” our beloved sourdough starter, is our most prolific pet (not our favorite, but certainly the most versatile). He is a key player in an absurd number of our concoctions including, but certainly not limited to: breads, pancakes, hondava, oatmeal, cookies, etc. Additionally, brewing beer, and other fermented beverages, is fast-becoming a Brown family passion (read obsession). As we delight in the way that fermentation sours its reactants creating delicious products, we arrived at the title “SownandSoured” for our food, gardening, and fermentation blog.  See? Easy peasey.

We’re delighted that you’ve decided to take a peek and hope to steal as much of your screen time as possible. More than this, we hope to inspire an adventurous culinary, scientific and active spirit in you…or at the very least encourage your already existing one to grow!!!!